Managing contents

Maraho have a built-in tool for simple content managing tasks.

Manage Tool

To use the built-in manage tool, run the following command:

npm run manage

You can manage categories and articles from here.

Creating Categories

To create a category, execute the manage tool, choose the "New categories" option, and enter all required informations.

> maraho@0.1.0 manage > node tools/manage.mjs ? Maraho Menu New category ? New category name: test ? Enter category title test ? Enter category description test New category now avalible in content/test

Creating Articles

To create a category, execute the manage tool, choose the "New article" option, and enter all required informations.

> maraho@0.1.0 manage > node tools/manage.mjs ? Maraho Menu New article [ 'demos', 'docs' ] ? Choose category docs ? New article name (url): manage ? New article name (full): Managing contents ? Article description: Instruction on how to manage your contents in Maraho ? Article authors name: thect ? Article tags (seperate by spaces): docs manage New article now avalible in content/docs/manage/


Deleting a category or article can be achieve by deleting corresponding directory.