Setting up Maraho

To run Maraho, you need to have node and git installed. Please look up how to install these softwares on you operating system (Mac, Linux distros, Windows, etc..).

In this section we will be using Github Actions to deploy on Github Pages. Other similar hosting providers should work just fine.

If you decided to use Github Actions, we suggest downloading the official Github Desktop app or Microsoft's VSCode, and login your github account there. Alternatively, you can use the official Github CLI tool or setup Github authendication manually.



Navigate to the directory you want in you terminal and clone this repository.

git clone --depth=1 cd maraho npm i

Alternatively, you can use npm replacements like pnpm and yarn.


Open this repository in an editor. Edit ./config.js.

  • name: The name of the blog. It's displayed on the navbar of the site and in the browser tab title.
  • url: URL for this site. It's used to generate sitemap.xml, which is important for SEO.
  • meta: Some introduction to the site
  • navbar: List of links to display on the navbar. We don't automatically generate navbar links for flexability.
  • author: Information of the sites owner
    • provider: Only supports github at the moment.
    • username: The owner's username on github.
    • name: The owner's name.
    • twitter: The owner's twitter id. (optional)
  • repo:
    • repos: a list to display on the index page.

Maraho is not very configurable by default, but I think it is relatively easy to modify if your familiar Next.js and React.


To run maraho loaclly (in dev mode), run the following commands:

npm run dev

You can check whether your markdown files are rendered properly after each refresh.

Content Folder

Create a directory named content, it'll be where all the markdown files are stored. The file structure should look like this.

content ├── docs // Category "docs" │ ├── category.json // Category configuration │ ├── Never gonna // Article "Never Gonna" │ │ ├── article.json // Article settings │ │ └── // Article content │ ├── Give you up │ │ ├── article.json │ │ └── ├── └── posts // Category "posts" ├── category.json ├── Never gonna │ ├── article.json │ └── └── Let You Down ├── article.json └──

Tools that automates generating new category and article is still WIP, please check out template files for reference.